8 years ago
How a film director’s goal in the late 70s simultaneously ruined two cherished horror movies.
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8 years ago
How a film director’s goal in the late 70s simultaneously ruined two cherished horror movies.
8 years ago
MUPPETS: A child’s gateway to the cinema.
8 years ago
Can we leave a love of schlock to rest or do we take it to our grave?
8 years ago
Why we don’t walk out of the cinema anymore.
9 years ago
The viewer’s pressure during award season.
9 years ago
Hollywood truce over a museum worth travelling to the other side of the world for.
9 years ago
My Top 10 films of 2015.
9 years ago
An open letter to my one week old daughter about the movies that united her parents.
9 years ago
A quest to board a carriage of the famous wheel in THE THIRD MAN.
9 years ago
The big question.
Why Aussie prison flick GHOSTS… OF THE CIVIL DEAD is like an old habit that’s hard to kick.
9 years ago
A brief history of cinema talkers and shooshers.
9 years ago
Gobsmacked by THE PACK.
9 years ago
A night at the theatre MARX an occasion.