No Dramas
Why Aussie prison flick GHOSTS… OF THE CIVIL DEAD is like an old habit that’s hard to kick.
An immediate desire to dig out my DVD copy of John Hillcoat’s Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead once again was inspired by a recent news story which subsequently persuaded me that beyond being a great piece of cinema, it is also a very real premonition. I should really pay more attention when it comes to “the news”. Should my wife Laura gasp at or heckle TV bulletins and updates of a morning (while my focus remains solely on bubble-gum related gossip on my phone) I get the instant urge to understand its context. When reiterating a story from seconds earlier Laura has also come to recognise my blank stare as confirmation that I don’t have the foggiest notion of the implied backstory and so, these exchanges are essentially the extent of how I’m informed of the daily events that shape our world – a prompt but second hand recount.
Recently however, something did catch my attention off screen while I paced around the kitchen preparing my morning coffee. It was about a fire at Melbourne’s Ravenhall prison. Upon positioning myself in front of the television I noticed the scene looked strikingly grim with smoke billowing from the prisons Remand Centre which is ironic since the reason for three days of unrest was over a state-wide prison smoking ban. Engulfed in flames and in what appeared to be a fairly barren landscape the first thing that sprang to my mind like a bolt of electricity was that the film Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead has finally come true!
Shock and disbelief spurred me to delve deeper into the situation, and the more I read, the more hopeless it appeared. 84% of the prisoners smoke, and furthermore cigarettes were being used as a means of currency inside prison walls. Then add to that the threats to lose further privileges if anyone was caught smoking or smuggling cigarettes. This looked like a fine recipe for disaster and my sceptical mind sounded when Chief executive of the Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, Carol Nikakis, said that most prisoners seemed to have accepted the ban. “Seemed to” didn’t sound too reassuring and even if everyone readily agreed, these are merely words that can’t hold a candle to the actual withdrawals of addiction. From where I stood I saw the whole Ravenhall fiasco unfold in my mind’s eye thanks to Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead .

I would have to cite Ghosts… as my favourite Australian film of all time, hands down. Sure it takes a back seat on general polls to the more light-hearted Muriel’s Wedding, Red Dog or our beacon The Castle and I have often overheard accusations against Australian films for being too heavy handed when it comes to our drama selection. It’s true we traditionally thrive on a weighty watch from Walkabout to Lantana to Forces Of Nature but if’s that’s your strong suit then why fight it, right? Finger wagging and popular opinions be damned, I’ll stand by Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead for being the darkest, meanest, toughest, ugliest and best of them all and I won’t be persuaded that there’s a better Aussie film out there.
Ghosts… feels like a fly on the wall glimpse into a modern prison built deep in the outback and by fly I mean hardened criminal serving a life sentence and by glimpse I mean a wall to wall thrashing by the pull of your testicles. The film examines the consequences that take place when the rights of inmates are jeopardised and of the savage behaviour that ensues. As a means to justify a new and advanced prison functionality, a lockdown is enforced pushing both the inmates and the prison guards into irreversible mental decline which is gradually elevated through a series of tensions and increasing violence. Specifically, the restrictions consist of the prisoner’s freedom to wander the prison interiors, to sell and inject drugs and other forms of social interactions and liaisons which are eventually removed altogether. The clinical interiors of the prison becomes a character unto itself and as liberties are withheld, claustrophobia, anger and brutality reigns supreme and culminates into a whirlwind of action that far exceeds the bumps and bruises dealt along the way. One of the film’s final scenes of a prison warden entrapped and held captive by an inmate driven to insanity, I’d argue is one of the most chilling on cinematic record. It was the first of many film collaborations between director John Hillcoat and musician / author and (in the case of Ghosts…) actor Nick Cave who would later grace us with The Proposition and Lawless not to mention a faithful adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road for Hillcoat. But the former has never been matched in delegating fear or thrusting us into a more sinister world. Originally intended as a retelling of American criminal and author Jack henry Abbott’s true story, the final product was fabricated as a result of the film’s director and producer visiting an American exhibition showcasing the future (and current standard) of security prisons.

Removing prisoners’ rights is something I truly hope I will never experience or relate to but take away cigarettes? Now that I get! I should point out that I quit smoking over five years ago and as any former smoker will tell you quitting was no walk in the park in fact I’m still convinced that I’m a slave to the darts and that one day this clean stint will all go belly up. I was the worst smoker I knew. I could suck ‘em down in a good mood, a bad one, hung-over, with the flu, in the pouring rain or in the stickiest heat, nothing got between us! I outranked any contender for the coveted prize of most addicted.* Giving them up proved near impossible, I tried multiple sessions of hypnotherapy; one was temporarily successful whereas others were a complete waste of time. It took prescribed medication to finally do the trick but not until I was cradling my stomach in the foetal position. I would literally have to force myself to inhale a second drag as the drugs sent a piercing sensation to the pit of my bowels. If the physical pain wasn’t enough I still had withdrawals, cravings and pangs!
The worst pang as it happens came straight after a movie which was a huge association with smoking in the first place. Not so much to ween myself off cigarettes but as a means to prolong the time in between, when I found myself with little to do VHS’s and later DVDs were my little helpers which I found invaluably therapeutic. To save myself from literally chain smoking in the downtime (which was in abundance in my early 20s) I would reward myself with a cigarette but only after I’d finished watching a film and in doing so was inadvertently gaining a vast education in cinema and thus devoured tapes and discs with the soothing knowledge that sweet nicotine awaited me upon the closing credits.
Once I got the recommendations and heralded classics under my belt I began binging on directors, watching any given filmmakers body of work in chronological order. Hitchcock, Leonie, Altman, Lang, Wilder, Bergman, Campion, Ashby and Scorsese – I ploughed through them all! The language of cinema became easier, suddenly silent and foreign films no longer felt like a task that required my undivided attention, I began to appreciate everything from everywhere in any era and worshipped at the altar of the medium. I was a slave to the craft, a disciple to the story and a vigorous observer of peaks, spikes or blips in each filmmaker’s career. Fast forward to the day I gave up cigarettes for good and what did Laura and I do to take my mind off potential pangs? In what can only be described as a complete oversight given my historical habits, we went to the movies! Perhaps Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland created an additional challenge with smoking caterpillars but with the rage of the Queen Of Hearts I left the cinema screaming ‘I need a cigarette!’ Fortunately this was my only public outburst and that’s not saying much as I had considerable help from the drugs – the post-hypnotherapy moments of hysteria were considerably worse. So in a round-about way I harnessed these feelings then attempted to magnify them tenfold to reach a prisoners state of mind as I revisited Ghosts… once more.

Taking into consideration its evident foreboding importance in society I can say with conviction that Ghosts… still packs a very severe punch and it’s a conclusion I draw time and time again. What astounds me even more is that my first screening was in high-school at age fifteen which was an impressively bold move on the part of the teacher and yet I’m left with nothing but gratitude for his courage. From what I can gather the proven method for maintaining order in the classroom throughout the year was to promise students that a movie would be shown in class on the final week of school providing we knuckled and the prospect loomed over us throughout. It was actually my history teacher who presented us with Ghosts… a film set in Australia’s present or near future wasn’t wholly justified but we weren’t about to halt proceedings with technicalities. This was serious business among the students, and schoolyard punishment would be dealt should any scholar stand in the way of forty minute sessions that purely comprised of staring at a television set that was bolted to a six foot wooden stand on wheels rather than staring at text books.
To highlight the seriousness of this business: In an attempt to lure us away from the glamour of drugs my English Teacher showed our class a televised stage performance by actor David Kossoff. Kossoff re-enacts his own son’s downfall with drugs of which he eventually dies – his heart gave way at age 26. The tragic Paul Kossoff was the guitarist of the hugely successful American group Free and since I was the only aspiring guitarist in the class, my English Teacher kept looking to me for assurance as to whether we should continue the video to the very end, which in increments stretched over a week. As much as I loved hearing the tale of Paul Kossoff and Free I think a majority of the students couldn’t have cared less and some even nodded off. But whenever video time was threatened pending my response, I was greeted with thirty or so identical, menacing death stares, making my safe decision a no-brainer. I even appealed that if we didn’t continue watching that we would risk becoming drugs addicts ourselves with only this video to save our souls, and thus the Kossoff monologues were screened in their entirety.
If the role of classroom movies were to echo some sort of life lesson then my history teacher on the other hand had a warped sense of humour by introducing us to Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead. I can’t remember what the lowdown he gave us prior to the screening but surely there was a moral incentive. Perhaps a parallel between what the past has taught us and where we’re heading? Maybe it was a macabre warning that if you don’t start behaving like decent citizens you’ll end up in a violent, oppressive prison in the dessert, who knows? I can say with confidence that it did more to scare me off drugs that Mr. Kossoff managed to do (and drugs were merely a subtext of Ghosts…). Keep in mind this film was brought to our attention by a guy who also had me questioning God in a catholic boys school, continued to call me a thief for stealing a pen three years prior but most importantly gave me top grades for six years because in my first year, for a creative assignment, I submitted a heavy metal recording of a song about Ancient Greece (you bet I rhymed that with Golden Fleece). The rest of the class meanwhile, submitted recordings of themselves rapping over their Gameboys. Not that rapping about Zeus over a Gameboy was necessarily bad but try sitting through more than twenty monotonous jams in a row.
Quirkiness aside, I do remember Ghosts… came with the obligatory warning ‘the film is rated R (18+)’ and our history teacher gave us a chance to opt out and exclaimed ‘if you’re not comfortable with this speak up and we won’t watch it.’ and in forever holding our peace ‘as its rated R can I trust you not to repeat this to your other teachers or your parents?’ What he didn’t realise was that this wasn’t our first rodeo, a majority of the teachers held movie sessions at the end of the year instead of a regular classes and would repeat the same disclaimer then proceed to expose us to violence, nudity and profanity. Besides, he was preaching to the choir! The unwritten law was that anyone crazy enough to object or who would rather be doing school work would be dealt with later, so yeah, we figured ‘give us your worst…’ which is exactly what we got!
At an age rabid with and fuelled by testosterone, a notoriously crazy film was a feather in the cap. The more insane and profane, the more we salivated, careful always to stay somewhat composed and not appear overexcited because any erratic change in behaviour could send instant doubt into the minds of our teachers. In the past we were often subjected to more sound options or in some cases the plug was pulled if we showed signs of over-stimulation. The opportunity to see a legally restricted or typically forbidden film was certainly not lost on me either. The one injustice I would openly rally against was not being able to rent R18+ movies. If movies were the original drug then I had a membership to every crack house in the vicinity, from local businesses to the major franchisees and I would push my renting luck at each. Knowing full well that every time I presented the shopkeeper with a video that I knew I’d be denied in most instances, I would let my anguish be known. Whether I was reduced to pleading or plainly insistent, my confused folks would often be dragged down at my beck and call to rectify the situation. More infuriating and embarrassing again was when I tried to rent an R rated film with my eighteen year old fiend and we were still denied because they knew I would be watching the film. This one crossed a line, my friend looked at me like it was my fault that my local video store owners were such tyrants, but fortunately to save face I had four alternative video cards to prove disloyalty.
But tantrums aside, nothing I could ever rent would compare to what that high school screening had to offer. True to my history teacher’s warning Ghosts… was as viscous and confronting as promised. The performances and razor-tonged, foul-mouthed language flawlessly had me believe that I was positioned beyond the camera and right in the enclosure. Most amusing was the reaction of the class. This was a film that the majority would never have otherwise been exposed to or chosen upon their own free will. People were speechless, shaken and I dare say even offended which heightened my enjoyment and feelings of pride that our teacher would force us to endure it! It pleased me to no end to think that secretly the presentation was designed to take down these adolescent hell raisers a peg or two. Suddenly the tough guys in the room had fallen silent, and the looks on their faces were both gobsmacked and repentant.
It wasn’t all roses in the big scheme of things. Ghosts… left a void in the form of realistic and edgy films that could never quite be filled. Word of mouth would lead me to seek out what was typically understood as the most vulgar and I greeted each with hopes that it would impact me the same way as Ghosts… did. My first reaction to some absolute classics and current all-time-favourites were initial disappointments for this very reason, it would take second watches and a more open mind to achieve the desired profound effect. For instance Taxi Driver seemed like a tedious wait just to see a few minutes of blood. Why did Fight Club’s latter half seem to stray so far from the expected fights? How come the actual process of Saving Private Ryan wasn’t as brutal as all the carnage at the beginning? I needed to dig deeper so I managed to source a selection of films on the VHS and DVD black market that were banned in Australia at the time of the dig.
I got my dirty mitts on the following grainy, over-copied Australian-banned numbers to little life-changing avail. Cannibal Holocaust made me wince and squint a few times but hasn’t deterred me from ever wanting to visit a jungle. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 left me mortified but only as it was an insult to the incomparable original. Larry Clarke’s Ken Park failed to burn an image in my mind as hot as the ones KIDS and Bully sure did. Most shocking to me now is that my first encounter with A Clockwork Orange left me with shrugs of indifference. I’d heard many-a good review and forked out the big bucks for a static, double-taped copy that even a VHS video-head-cleaner or tracking manoeuvre couldn’t fully restore, but watch the fuzzy screen through crooked eyes I did! I’ve since embraced the magnificent book and like any good film enthusiast, I adore each Kubrickian stroke of genius it has to offer but at the time I was hoping for two plus hours of sheer terror and irreversible psychological trauma, not Beethoven, milk and droogs.

Nothing incorporated the gritty realism nor put everlasting fear into me the way Ghosts… had managed to do. At the end of the day the closest I’ve come to achieving some form of harrowing cinematic enlightenment has once again been hatched from our own shores. I’m infinitely more haunted by the likes of Bad Boy Bubby, The Boys, Jindabyne, Snowtown and Wish You Were Here than A Clockwork Orange and Taxi driver providing shock value is the viewer’s intent. So to all the naysayers, we may prefer bleak but according to the chills racing down my spine it’s also what we do best. Is there something to be said about Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead as a premonition, a sign of what’s to come or has become? Does the reminiscent scene at Ravenhall prison increase its value twenty-seven years after the fact? Am I subconsciously biased by finding Australian films more easily relatable because they’re “closer to home”? I can’t quite say for sure but whatever it is, I can’t deny that Ghosts… Of The Civil Dead has a strong hold over me with countless images branded on my mind that are hard to flush out. The fact that I keep returning to this film so often and whenever I need a fix of the hard stuff should speak volumes about its powers of addiction.
A final word is that his film is a habit that is not easy to kick. Watch at your own risk.
*Deep down I liked to think my friend Dylan was the worst and most addicted smoker I knew. I took great comfort in believing that someone was worse off too. For instance he would drive his car with the sole purpose of chain smoking whilst listening to Dinosaur Jr at a squillion decibels. Not to the displeasure of bystanders either because rolling down the car window was not an option since the handle was buckled leaving him (and I, who would be encouraged to partake in these “ciggy cruises”) entombed in smoke. Years later after Dylan and I had both quit his wife turned to me and said ‘so Dylan reckons you’re the only one who smoked more than he did.’ I replied ‘that’s exactly what I tell people about him!’
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